
Friday, 8 September 2017


 The Wonder bot was when we used the I pad to make it move, The wonder bot can also make noses and can also talk to you like a human would.
Circuits is when you have instruction and you follow them to make something that you might use everyday, like in the photo this is a timer and most people use it everyday.
Bloxes is when you make a design with the blocks, then you take a picture on the I pad. After that you play a video game with the Character  you have design.
Bee bot is when we push the buttons to code the back of it  to make it move in the direction we want it to. It moves that many step of how many times we push that button.
VR head set  when you put in a phone that has a special  app and there is an app that lots of seance the seance we were doing was dinosaurs  and a jungle

My favourite one was the bee bot 

Have you ever done robotics ?