
Thursday, 23 November 2017


Over the year we have been learning Chinese with the help of our Chinese teacher.

Here are some examples:

My name in Chinese is - Ning la

  1. How are you - Ni Hao Ma
  2. Hello - NI Hao
  3. I’m fine Wo Hen Hao
  4. You’re Welcome - Bu young xie
  5. Goodbye - Zie jain
  6. what is your name - Wo joi shen ming xie
  7. my name is - Wo jai  
  8. I am … years old - Wo sui  
  9. how old are you - Ni ji shi
10. I love you - Wo ai ni0 - ling
1 - yi
2 - Er
3 - san
4 - si
5 - wu
6 - liu
7 - qi
8 - ba
9 - joi
10 - shi

Red - hong se
Orange - chong se
Yellow - huwange se
Green - le se
Blue - lan se
Purple - zi se
Pink - fen hong se
White - by se
Black - hay se
Red mask - faithful,upright and right just
Yellow mask - courageous impulsive
Green mask - bad tempered
Blue mask - brave
Purple mask - also brave
White mask -  insidious crafty cunning predtrade
Grandad - ye ye
Granma - ni ni
Dad - ba ba
Mum - ma ma
Big brother - ger ger
Big sister - jei jei
Little brother - di di
Little sister - mai mai Dog - gou
Cat - mao
Pig - zhu  
Horse - ma
Dragon - long  
Sheep - yang  
Panda - xiong mao

I hope you liked it.

Maybe you would like to try Chinese?

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Play the lost friend

This is a part of a play. I wrote in S.u.w. 

S.U.W is when we write for about 15-20 mins after lunch.

I hope you like it.

  The lost friend         

Niya = Sienna
Maya = Neila
Layla =
Teacher =
Layla’s mum =
Niya and miya’s mum

Narrator:Miya runs off to go find Niya
Miya: Are you ok Niya
Niya: NO what does it look like
Miya :sorry whats wrong
Niya: It’s just that I miss Layla and it’s hard
Miya:I know i miss her to but when we get home mum said she has a surprise for us and Miss K sent me to come and see if you were alright and I figgered that you would be here so will you come back to class with me
Niya:Okay I’ll come back but you better be telling to truth that mum has a surprise for us as  Mum never told me that there was a surprise
Miya: Mum told me when you were in your room and it’s a really big but see didn’t tell me what it was
Niya: It won’t make me feel any better about layla unless the surprise was to see layla again
Miya:Let's go
Narrator:back in the classroom
Teacher : What took you so long
Miya: sorry miss k
Narrator: the school bell rings to go home
Narrator: after school at home   
Niya+Miya: well what's the surprise
Niya and Miya’s mum:The surprise is that we are moving to houston texas and we are changing companies to the same company as layla so we are also moving next door to her and you will also be in the same class as her at school
Niya:yay to the power of yay
Miya:Yay thanks

Do you like this play I hope it inspires you to write some plays.

Thursday, 9 November 2017


In writing we have been doing plays this is my play I wrote with Sienna and Caitlin 

The long lost Cave
By Caitlin,Sienna and Neila
Lily: Neila
Mia: Sienna
Caitlin- The two girls Lily and Mia are playing in the back yard and they find a stone and they decide to roll it over and what do they find.
Lily:Wow,That was fun
Mia:Where are we
Lily:I don’t know but the light is blinding and I can smell hot coco
Mia: And I can hear a waterfall let's go have a look but we have to be careful
Lily: I can hear we're getting closer
Mia:Here it is its its pink cool
Lilly:I love it,let's jump in
Mia: Okay make sure you're careful
Mia:the sun's going down and if we’re not back by sundown were going to be stuck here for the rest of our lives
Lily:That would be bad let's I mean it wouldn’t be that bad but still lets get out of here wait where is the exit.
Mia: I don’t know let’s go and have a look around
Lily:and see if we can find the way out
Mia: Okay sound good
Lily:I’m going to lead the way
Mia:go for it
Willow:Jingle jangle
Lilly:Do you hear that it sounds like somebody else is here
Mia:I heard it
Willow:Oh hi my name is Willow and I am the Leading fairy do you need some help
Mia : yes we do can you help us
Willow:of course i can what do you need help with
Lilly:do you know how to get out of here
Willow:of course I do I am the leader fairy
Lilly: thanks  but make it fast
Willow: ok it will take about 20 minutes is that ok
Mia: sure but we have to be out of here by sun down
Willow: That's all good there is about half an hour until sun down so if we go now we should be there in no time.
Mia and lily: lets go
Willow: okay
Willow: were here but to get out you need to do a special dance  
Mia:What is it
Willow:you have to turn around 20 times and jump up and down 10 times
Lily:okay we will do anything
Willow: you might want to get started now because you only have 10  minutes
Mia: we finished the dance  and the doors opened to go back to lily’s house thanks willow
Lily: yeah thanks | Willow:you’re  welcome
Lily and Mia and willow: that's the end of our story!!!
Have you ever written a play?