
Friday, 28 September 2018

Perfect PBL

This term our Project Based Learning (PBL) has been about cultural stories and the big question was;
What is the significance in the 21st Century of our Cultural stories?

First we brainstormed what culture is and came up with lots of ideas. Culture is Stories,Holidays and where you are from.
Then we thought about our own culture and talked to our parents about our traditions and heritage. I wrote a post about my family and things we like to do.
In Literacy we read and discussed myths and legends from around the world then we concentrated on Maori legends. I read How Maui Slowed The Sun,Hatupatu And The Bird Women and Maui And The Giant Fish.I retold the legend of The Battle Of The Mountains.

We made a performance about the story Battle of the Mountains. Some students wrote the script, some students took on the job of making all the artwork, some worked hard on organising the music and others took on the role of bringing the story alive with dance and drama.

For our production I contributed by making the backdrop.I think the show might impact on others by knowing a new legend it may help them in their learning. What I learned about working with others was everyone has their own style in learning which helps with getting lots of ideas. 

Monday, 17 September 2018

Splashpendous Swimming

Over the last two weeks our school has been taking swimming lessons at Graham Condon. Our first lesson on the 3rd of September we road on a red Bus when we got there we got changed and went out to the pool.We had to do a test to see what group you would be in we had to do one length of free style,one length of back stock and one length of breast stroke.I ended up in the top group and for the next 6 days we did lots of lengths of different strokes.On the the 3rd to last day we used life jackets on the 2nd to last day we used life jackets and the boat we also learned about the things you need on a boat and finally on the last day we got to wear our PJ's and pretended that were in a river with our clothes on.