
Monday, 26 November 2018

Super Stress Ball Race

Super Stress Ball Race

Hello and welcome back.This term we have been using a STEAM approach to make a marketable product for our Market day in week 8.In my group I have Sienna and Aiden we decided to do a stress ball race.

What does STEAM mean
S Stands for Science
T Stands for Technology
E Stands for Engineering
A Stands for The Arts
And M Stands for Mathematics 

What is a Stress ball race?
It is like a egg and spoon race but instead of eggs we are using stress ball ,some have flour in them and some have water.If you win first place you get a Stress ball and a freddo frog.Second place gets a stress ball and third place gets a freddo frog.

We had make an advertisement and this is what we came up with.

Come and join our stress ball race
It is sure to put a smile on your face
If you run at a good pace
You might win first place

To ace the race you need to keep it on your spoon
If you keep it on your spoon you will have a good afternoon
If you get to the end without it falling off you will get a squishy balloon
A dollar a race is such a great deal son come to our stall you sure to have a ball.

Have you ever made something for a market.