
Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Pool day 🏊

Today I am going to share about pool day.Last Friday year 5/6 and 7/8 went to the pool.We took many buses to get the Waltham pool for our fun day.We left school at 11.15 but arrived at the pool at 11.30.We all got changed and sunblocked up and headed into the pool.There was one pool we were aloud to swim at but there was a water slide we were aloud to go on.With the water slide we had to take turns so there wasn't a big line.Each year group got about 30 mins on the slide then at the end anyone was aloud on it.I had a lot of fun with my friends.Sadly it was only 19 degrees so it was a little cold. 
Have you ever been to Waltham pool?

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Summer learning journey

This blog is about the summer learning journey,some of you may have heard of it.We are doing it because in the summer holidays there is a summer slide where your learning decreases.This is the taster week to see if we like it and want to do it in the holidays.

This is what the task was.For this activity, we would like you to do some research and find out all that you can about Lorde. Once you have finished your research, please create a Profile Page for her. A profile page is a digital infographic or poster that shares information about someone.

Here is my outcome
Are you doing the Summer learning journey?