
Thursday, 19 March 2020

What's the most efficient maths strategy

This week my math goal is, Identify the most efficient strategy to use when solving add/sub
problems with decimals and whole numbers.We had questions to answer then we had to make a video showing our working, I worked with my friend Harriet.We also had the challenge to use the clowns as we recently had our school fair.
This is our video - 

What is your favourite Math strategy? 

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Time Line on Kupe

This week my reading goal is,  Decode texts automatically and independently, and can use a range of strategies, such as inferring, to work out more complex words.We had to make a timeline on Kupe's Travels to New Zealand and identify the main points in the text.We talked about the difference between a Myth and a legend.
This is my timeline 
Do you know the difference between a Myth and Legend? 

Monday, 16 March 2020

How to write a biography

This week my writing  goal is, Select and explore significant ideas, developing main points with specific detail.We had to make a poster on how to write or what to add in a biography.We will be writing biography's this week, I am writing my biography on Phillip Bagshaw.

This is my Poster
Have you written a biography? 

Monday, 9 March 2020


As a PBL group we have been working on communication.I think my PBL group has communicated well with each other.There is defiantly room to improve.I think I communicated really well with my group.We working with a group you need communication,creativity and collaboration.
What group skill do you think you show the most? 

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Creativity Blog

We have been looking at one of the six C's creativity.We did three task on this topic one of the topics is trying to think of 100 uses for a paper clip.
These are our ideas
Paper,Hair clip,Lock pick,Peg,Model/statue,Smash it,Bend it,Jump on it,Throw it,Ring,Necklace, Bracelet,Flick it,Hook,Fishing Hook
Another task we had to do was, we had 4 circles and 4 squares and we had to make them into something.I made the circles into, lady bug,stop sign,some ones head and a soccer ball.I made the squares into a door TV then I combined two of the square together and made a car.
We then watched two videos on how creativity works, we then had a group talk on what we can take away from this. 
Here are the videos we watch.

How many uses can you come up with for a paper clip? 

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

My Reflection on PBL

This is a reflection on my groups PBL.

Work highly effectively and interdependently, identifying and using each other's strengths and skills.
Our group is good at working together when collaborating on task when everyone has to do something.When we get assigned jobs we all get it done to help our group.We use each others strengths and skills when assigning everyone a job.  

Make important decisions that take into consideration different perspectives and the mutual benefit of the group.
Our group is good at compromising our ideas and seeing why the other person wants it a different way. We try to give everyone in our group a job that they want to do. 

Take active responsibility for the way the group works together to create a quality product.
Our group is good at taking responsibility to collaborate on our task to ensure everyone is doing what they need to do to make a quality

Have a good understanding of different points of view, express their viewpoints and empathise, listen and learn from others
Our group has listened to everyone who has had an idea and we have learned from our mistakes that we have made. Next time we could let everyone say what they thought.

Take active responsibility for the way the group works together to create a quality product
Our group is good at taking responsibility to collaborate on our task to ensure everyone is doing what they need to do to make a quality product.

Have highly developed social and emotional skills and an ability to communicate across a range of different people.
Our group is good at taking in everyone ideas and looking out for everyone feelings when coming to a group compromise.

My PBL reflection.
In my group I have taken leader ship when our group has fallen behind.
Next time I will try to help everyone and look out for others ideas.

What collaboration skills do you bring to a team?